Saturday, July 19, 2008

Seeking spirits that are Sustainable

In a world were resources are changing, as is our attitude towards them, I was intrigued to find that there are more alcohols being created from sustainable sources. I wanted to share that, so here we go! is an Acai based spirit and $1 from the sale of each bottle goes to help the rainforest are distilled, premium American grains, flavored with Florida Oranges creates small batches of vodka made organic white corn

Bison Brewery, a Berkeley company, makes organic beer. Check it out! though the site is not up yet, keep your eye out for these organic brewers, also out of California

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Vibrational Healing Elixirs

Vibrational Healing Elixirs

Attending the Oakland Museum Hosted Best of the East Bay by the East Bay Express, we saw some good art, some bad art and some wild people.

The coolest part of the event for me though was the vibrational healing elixirs by The Elixir Café. I was feeling tired before we got to the booth, and energized after we got to try some of the fantastic flavors they had on offer.

The Elixirs are made from the essence of gemstone, flowers and herbs. We were able to try the Oral Sublingual Botanicals and the Potent Potable Cordials. We sampled The Bridge which is to help with grounding and is good for both men and women to balance excess yang.

Next up was Miriam’s Heart Elixir, a delicate lightly floral tincture meant to help with love, forgiveness and the courage to follow your heart, and the flavors danced on my tongue with delight.

Lavender Fields Forever helps boost the bliss and restores inner peace. Subtle, floral and again delightful on the palate, and worth exploring further. The tincture was fairly light with the cordial presenting a much stronger and open flavor.

My favorite of the bunch was the tantalizing Star Fire Cordial. With each one we tried the tinctures first, and with this one the tincture didn’t wow me. Once I tried the Cordial however, I was convinced that there was indeed magic afoot. My brother said it exploded in his mouth and he could taste it long after we had walked away, and it was his favorite as well.

Star Fire is enchanting. The flavor is bright and sort of pops in the mouth as it rolls across the tongue. Meant to heighten awareness, increase stamina and boost the body’s immune system, I could actually feel it working as we stood there.

If you have the opportunity to try these elixirs, I recommend it. They are worth it just for the sheer interest factor of trying something so delicious created from herbs and gem essence.

The Elixir Café