Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Luna's Pick of the day: Julie & Julia

Julie and Julia

I knew from the first chapter that I was going to love the book. It turns out that Julie & I have quite a few things in common: PCOS, a love of vintage clothes and a man who loves us (and is loved by us) beyond all reason.

Setting out to cook 524 recipes in 365 days is no easy feat. Such a challenge is issued to someone who is clearly mad. Or just really in need of a change.

Julie Powell is funny, charming, a little crazy and always interesting. She may not have intended for their to be a morale to her story, yet there is one: sometimes you have to move past your comfort zone to achieve what you really want.

There are moments when she wants to quit, moments when it all seems to much. Yet there is so much love in this book, as her friends and family rally around Julie’s ‘insane’ project, even when they don’t quite understand it.

From her copious use of the ‘f’ word, to the gimlets, page 1 starts off well and keeps you interested to the very end.

I loved every minute of this book, and if you happen to read this, Julie, you made me actually crave liver for the first time in my life!

I highly recommend this memoir to anyone who loves food, and be sure to catch the movie!

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