Saturday, January 9, 2010

Well, everyone knows what a vegetarian is….right?

As a pastry chef, food lover and writer, I take it for granted that people I encounter have the same knowledge that I do. So when I ended up in a conversation (yet again) with someone who was unclear on the rules of vegetarianism, let alone veganism, I thought it was time to have a chat.

On this as yet to be named new show for Radiodentata, Stephanie Stiavetti of Wasabimon, and I sit down and have frank talk for those who honestly don’t know what any of that means.

Stephanie is a former vegan and I am former vegetarian. On today’s show, we talk about why we were and why we aren’t now, what the terminology means and how you can incorporate more vegetables, fruits and other healthy foods into your life. Even if you aren’t ready to make the vegetarian leap.

Join us today at 4 pm PST and 7pm EST for an open discussion about vegetarianism!

Luna’s Kitchen Magic
Bryant Terry
Ani Phyo

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